Category Archives: Uncategorized

Released: Modify Headers

I’m pleased to announce version of Modify Headers. Highlights include: New icon: thanks to dodihanz for the design. Click the small Modify Headers icon in the addon toolbar to open a quick menu. "Always On" preference is replaced by … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 8 Comments

Released: Modify Headers 0.6.8

Just before the release of the new version, Modify Headers hit One Million Downloads at Thank you to everyone who has downloaded the addon and uses it regularly for whatever you need. Getting to this milestone spurs me on … Continue reading

Posted in Mobile Web, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Released: Mailfrom 0.2.5 and Future Development

Mailfrom 0.2.5 was released today.  This version fixed a defect to provide Firefox 3.6 compatibility and provides support for Windows Live Hotmail. I’ve realised for some time that Firefox now provides limited out-of-the-box support for Yahoo Mail and GMail as … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Released: Modify Headers 0.6.6

Back in April I released Modify Headers 0.6.6.  This version fixes a bug in the import function introduced in 0.6.5. This last weekend, I tested Modify Headers, XHTML Mobile Profile and Mailfrom on Firefox 3.5b4 successfully.  All the addons are … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 26 Comments

Release: Modify Headers 0.6.5

Modify Headers 0.6.5 was released over the weekend. This adds a new column on the list of headers to provide a comment for each entry. In addition an enhancement to float the admin window to the top if a user … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 13 Comments

It’s good to be back

At long last I’ve been able to get the blog back up and running after almost a month of down time.  At the end of June my webhost had a double disk failure on the server that hosts the virtual … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 3 Comments

The Actor Gareth Hunt

I was very sad to hear of the death yesterday of the British actor, Gareth Hunt. A number of people have been coming to this website in search of information about him. More information can be found at the BBC … Continue reading

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